AgroAMAT COM SRL Odoo Version 15.0+e

Information about the AgroAMAT COM SRL instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Sell your products online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Data Cleaning
Easily format text data across multiple records. Find duplicate records and easily merge them.
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Live Chat
Chat with your website visitors
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Romania - Accounting
Romania - Account ANAF Sync
Romania - Account ANAF Sync
EXLS Format Bank Statements Import
Romania - eFactura Account EDI UBL
Romania - eFactura - Account EDI UBL
Romania - Account Reports
Romania - balance confirmation
Generate balance confirmation for partners
Romania - City
Romania - City
Romania - Localization Config
Romania - Localization Install and Config Applications
Romania - DUK Integrator
Romania - EDI data check and queue
Romania - ANPC footer
Displays ANPC logos and links in website footer
Romanian Intrastat Declaration
Romanian Intrastat Declaration XML
Romania - Invoice Report Terrabit
Localizare Terrabit - Facturi, Chitanta
Romania - Partner Create by VAT
Romania - Partner Create by VAT
Romania - Partner Create by VAT Button
Partner Create by VAT from OpenAPI
Romania - Partner Create by VAT from OpenAPI
Romania - Partners Unique
Creates a rule for vat and nrc unique for partners.
Terrabit Reconciliation Items Order
Order lines by date ascending in reconciliation widget
Romania - Stock
Romania - Stock Accounting
Romania - Stock Accounting
Romania - Account MRP (fix)
Fix mrp_production cost.
Romania - Stock Accounting Notice
Romania - Stock Accounting Notice
Romania - Terrabit - Picking Reports
Rapoarte: NIR, aviz, bon consum
Romania - Stock Accounting Price Difference
Romania - Stock Accounting Price Difference
Romania - Stock Report (Fisa Magazie)